Linux Picture Slideshow Screensaver and band/artist name is wrong
I have Picture Slideshow screensaver installed and I scrapped image to a local directory (as I do not want the screensaver to go out on internet for every picture again, and that did not either got right band/artist info out),  from Fanart and then load pictures from that directory, to the screensaver. The problem is that I want to have directory name out (that looks right), as it is the same as music band/artist picture, but fanart created a directory called extrafanart in every band/artist  directory, so i just got extrafanart repeatedly as band/artist name (as picture info).  How can I fix this in an easy way, without having to move up every picture one step in directory structure (and delete the extrafanart directory)?
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Hoping someone here can help with suggestions on how this screensaver works.

1.0 I have >10,000 images in a main directory on NAS, all in individual folders with appropriate index names.
2.0 It appears that when the main folder is used as the source for images, only subfolders that have been "indexed' (IE I need to select each folder,  within Kodi and then indexing automatically occurs.O

If a folder is NOT indexed, I don't see the images present, and so my very large set of images spread across many folders on NAS do not show up.

Is there anyway to select the parent folder and ask Kodi to "index" all subfolders, or must I open the main parent folder, and then select each of the > 100 subfolders one by one,and let kodi index each folder selected.

Thank you in advance....  I really enjoy playing music in the background with images displayed on my big screen so THANK YOU to the folks who created and help maintain this Kodii addon.

Off Topic Comment/information that may help others:

Last comment is I have been using this add on for > 5 years, and it took most of that time to discover that I could not keep images on my Synology NAS, as whenever you do that Synology creates tiny image "snap shots" of each image and then the Kodi screensaver will display those low res images mixed in with the correct images, so after investigating how to "turn off" this synology NAS behavior I discovered that is impossible.

Synology drive software auto detects images in a folder, any folder any name and auto creates low res low byte snapshots that reside in same folder. Sigh.

So now I have all my images on a stand alone network connected drive and it works perfectly for my needs.
In a post from 2015-07-14, 11:50 ronie told that "the screensaver will now rebuilt it's index every 30 minutes when it is running." Hope this is still true in the current version.

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Picture Slideshow Screensaver and band/artist name is wrong0