Solved Very slow library update

Library update takes too long to start... 
running Kodi on Windows 11 Pro - Nuc. Library is on a Windows 10 Machine running Hanewin NFS Server...
i have shared the log file..

Please help Smile
in the log file 

 2024-07-15 11:26:25.395 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: chunks: r/w 32768/32768
> 2024-07-15 11:27:25.190 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: Old context timed out - destroying it
> 2024-07-15 11:27:25.191 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: Context for not open - get a new context.
> 2024-07-15 11:27:25.191 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: version: 3
> 2024-07-15 11:27:25.412 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: Connected to server and export /o/4444/11New
> 2024-07-15 11:27:25.412 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: chunks: r/w 32768/32768
> 2024-07-15 11:28:25.286 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: Old context timed out - destroying it
> 2024-07-15 11:28:25.287 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: Context for not open - get a new context.
> 2024-07-15 11:28:25.287 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: version: 3
> 2024-07-15 11:28:25.502 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: Connected to server and export /o/4444/11New
> 2024-07-15 11:28:25.502 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: chunks: r/w 32768/32768
> 2024-07-15 11:29:25.300 T:9468    debug <general>: NFS: Old context timed out - destroying it

Context for not open - get a new context.

what is context??
Looks like a networking issue with a return that doesn't arrive in a timely fashion. Suggest you make a local video source (throw a movie into the folder), ensure full functionality with that local source which in turn suggests network issues. Consider SMB (wiki) for your network or investigate alternative connections. Syncing and sharing (wiki)
i switched to SMB (used fixed ip address for my server - dont want for ip to change in every switch reboot Smile  ) and its really fast... ofc it needs more proccessing power than NFS.. but my nuc is powerful enough to handle it Smile

too bad for Hanewin NFS.. have been using it for many many many years with no problems so far...
Thread marked solved.

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