Autoplay replaying same episode of TV show after finishing it
I wasn't sure how to word the title properly but I'll explain. One show I have downloaded is Amphibia, where the majority of episodes are actually just 2 shorter episodes in 1. The first time I tried uploading this and I used TMDb as the information provider, TMDb counts each short episode as one, which makes the season longer. I renamed the episodes that were 2 in 1 and that seemed to fix the information issue however, the first episode I watched on the player was a 2 in 1 and it only showed the title of the first episode along with E1, not the second, but it still played the second episode in the middle of the video, after the first one. Once the actual episode finished on the player, it just repeated the same episode only with the name of the second episode instead, with E2. I hope this makes sense to one of you because it doesn't to me. By the way, I got the video files for the show off Disney+, where the service actually does count each 2 in 1 episode as just 1 episode, unlike TMDb.
Yea, that is a downside to using multi-episode video files...
Kodi has no idea where episodes start and end in multi-episode files. It is only allowing you to pin two library entries to the same file.
You can use episode bookmarks to mark where the second episode starts...
But personally I think it would be faster and less hassle to just split the two episodes into separate files.
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Autoplay replaying same episode of TV show after finishing it0