Kodi Adding Control Codes To Movie Names
I have a collection of some 7400 movies.  About 140 of them were not added when I did the auto scrape.  What is consistent about these movies is:

• Every one of them has the artwork when I go to manually Scan-To-Library.  I then "refresh" and it it replaces the artwork I have with the same artwork.  I then go back to the FILES menu and... it's still not added (no date or rating etc showing on the list)
• Every one of them,  when I go in to RENAME ... has control codes added to the name.  Even if I change the name,  it makes no difference... when I go back in to RENAME,  there are control codes added (for space, etc).  The name also includes the file path (with control codes representing the spaces, colon, backslash etc.  For example... a movie titled "Another Earth (2011)" shows up as "E%3a%5c_MOVIES%5cAnother%20Earth%20(2011)%5c" ... obviously %3a = colon,  %5c = backslash, and %20 = space.  This movie happens to be in the path "E:/MOVIES/Another Earth (2011)/"...

All other movies that were properly scraped automatically (and the few that I actually managed to add manually using the Scan-To-Library due to bad names, etc) all have ZERO control codes in their names when I go to rename. 

How do I prevent Kodi from doing this to the random movie?  The movies on disc (via Windows Explorer) look perfectly fine... naming convention is fine... etc.

Thank you for any help BTW... I tried to edit to add this line but it seems I don't have access to edit.

Oh... and things I've tried.  

1. I tried using a different scraper.  All different scrapers produce the same result... refresh then not added to the list.
2. I tried changing the name and removing the year... again,  same result... I find the movie in question... I select it... it re-uploads the artwork... but doesn't add it to the list.  It does change the name (removes the year for example) but the control codes remain.

My apologies... I did not include more info you folks request.  I can get the LOG at some point but it's on a separate PC that is not part of my network here... I'll have to move it over via thumb drive.  But to answer these questions:

1. Version of Kodi - 21.0 Omega
2. Windows Version + Service Pack version - Windows 10 (fully updated as of yesterday)
3. CPU/Architecture - AMD Ryzen 1200
4. RAM amount (2 GB, 512MB etc.) -  16GB 
5. Detailed Instructions to reproduce the Problem - Mentioned above
6. Details of all devices relevant to the problem - Nothing more to add that I can think of.
(2024-08-21, 16:54)FrizzleFried Wrote: I tried to edit to add this line but it seems I don't have access to edit.
As a new user you don't have edit privileges yet, these come with trust & time.
(2024-08-21, 16:54)FrizzleFried Wrote: I can get the LOG at some point
Yes, a proper log with debug turned on in settings will be needed, posted to a public paste-bin and that URL linked to this thread.

As a new user, it's helpful to understand that Kodi meta-data is 'internal' with cache and you only get to see the scraped data on export of your library to separate files. (A Back-up) at which point the meta-data is copied to each movie folder, should allow you to see the material that Kodi is using. Given some of the information you have included suggests that your library is somewhat corrupt, likely due to nomenclature issues (improper naming) Video library (wiki)

Do you have all movies in separate folders of their own name?
With large collections, suggest multiple sources (try and limit to <1000 per source), each can have it's own scraper & settings.
Ensure all titles follow the scraper database name (with date). Perhaps a 3rd party renaming program would be advised.

At this point, I would entertain a fresh plain jane portable mode (wiki) installation, no add-ons and see how a scrape goes.
Yes... each movie is in it's own folder and named identically...

Ex: Another Earth (2011) is named Another Earth (2011).mkv and located in a folder called Another Earth (2011).

This was a brand new scrape as of last night (I encountered the issues and have been fighting with them for a couple weeks and I finally broke down and started over last night).

I will look in to the portable mode installation.

My collection is broken down to 3 hard drives.  The one scrape covers all 3 drives.  If I broke it down to a scrape per drive... will it automatically combine them in the "movies" section?
Also something to mention: Missing Movies app does NOT see these movies as missing.
OK... using a portable install to create a database... but HOLY SMOKES is it a lot slower than using a hard drive.  It takes about 2+ hours with my hard drives... I imagine this is going to take 12...
To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
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(2024-08-21, 19:01)FrizzleFried Wrote: If I broke it down to a scrape per drive... will it automatically combine them in the "movies" section?
Yes... and you will be able to scrape each source/folder individually, perhaps discover the issue.
(2024-08-21, 19:06)FrizzleFried Wrote: Missing Movies app does NOT see these movies
This is a 3rd party application, you would need support from the author. Add-on:Missing Movies (wiki) Editors Note: This add-on is no longer maintained and is known to be broken for v17 and later. Use the Event Log (wiki) instead.
(2024-08-21, 20:11)FrizzleFried Wrote: a lot slower than using a hard drive
Then put it on your hard drive... As it is scraping anew, 7400 files; each file is calling the internet and waiting for a response... yup it takes time. Next time make a back-up via export library to separate files, then scrapes are local and almost instant. Debug log needed.
Two updates...

Log: https://paste.kodi.tv/efapepibet.kodi

And I did one drive using a portable install.  Seems to have rectified the situation (haven't had much time to poke through it all but it seems fine).

Now... could I create a new normal install in a different folder... could I create a new install over-writing the current folder... or am I going to need to go in to the USER folder and delete the kodi folder to start from scratch?

Thanks for the help guys.
(2024-08-22, 06:04)FrizzleFried Wrote: Log: https://paste.kodi.tv/efapepibet.kodi
Is this from your Portable install, or the other install with the problems?
I see you scraping G:\MOVIES\Dead and Buried (1981)\Dead and Buried (1981). Did this give you problems with html encoding?
There is a nfo file there. Can you post the contents of the nfo file to Kodi Paste Site and provide the link.
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That is from the problematic install.

See top post for symptoms.

I manually scrape... it re-finds and re-downloads the art fine... but doesn't add the movie to the end list.  It also shows the movie name with control characters (as mentioned in the original post).
I'll post the NFO file when I have time to move it over from the Kodi box (about to go walk with my son to school).   Ultimately,  it appears my full install is the problem as it SEEMS the portable install is working as normal.  Now I figure it's best to re-install normally... just trying to determine the best way to do so.  Should I manually delete the KODI folder in my USERS folder and then setup a brand new install in a different folder than the original?
Dead & Buried NFO file: 

All the items you named have multiple paths mentioned in the log file.

2024-08-21 13:14:40.584 T:4632 debug <general>: Adding path: [379] E:\_MOVIES\Another Earth (2011)\
2024-08-21 13:14:40.584 T:4632 debug <general>: New path: multipath://F%3a%5cMOVIES%5cAnother%20Earth%20(2011)%5c/E%3a%5c_MOVIES%5cAnother%20Earth%20(2011)%5c/

2024-08-21 13:14:40.616 T:4632 debug <general>: Adding path: [1395] G:\MOVIES\Dead and Buried (1981)\
2024-08-21 13:14:40.616 T:4632 debug <general>: New path: multipath://F%3a%5cMOVIES%5cDead%20and%20Buried%20(1981)%5c/G%3a%5cMOVIES%5cDead%20and%20Buried%20(1981)%5c/

So, the same movies on E: and F: also G: and F: drives.

If you have duplicates and are in files mode the artwork will be empty since it's assigned to the original movie. I'm not sure why you're seeing that path instead of the filename tho.
(2024-08-22, 14:30)FrizzleFried Wrote: portable install is working as normal.
Keep the portable installation, keep it where it is and make it your primary installation. Add any add-ons etc..your sources and scrape, after the proper scrape and you are happy with the configuration, clean-up and export your library to separate files, done. Toast the problematic install. Portable installation is the one to use and recommended (back-up is a simple copy the entire folder to another location! just remember to change the path in the shortcut if needed.)
Negative... they are all on one drive.  I did add an m.2 drive to the Kodi system a number of weeks back which changed drive letter assignments to the externals.  I did have to do a re-scrape.
(2024-08-22, 16:29)PatK Wrote:
(2024-08-22, 14:30)FrizzleFried Wrote: portable install is working as normal.
Keep the portable installation, keep it where it is and make it your primary installation. Add any add-ons etc..your sources and scrape, after the proper scrape and you are happy with the configuration, clean-up and export your library to separate files, done. Toast the problematic install. Portable installation is the one to use and recommended (back-up is a simple copy the entire folder to another location! just remember to change the path in the shortcut if needed.)
I assume I would,  at some point,  take the -p switch off the shortcut (or simply remove/not use the shortcut)?
But one issue... the portable installation is on my D: "hard drive".  I'd rather it be on my C: "m.2" drive...
(2024-08-22, 16:38)FrizzleFried Wrote: is on my D: "hard drive".  I'd rather it be on my C: "m.2" drive...
Copy the entire Portable folder to where ever then change the shortcut path to designate C: (should work fine from the new location). Always launch Kodi from the shortcut.

(2024-08-22, 16:37)FrizzleFried Wrote: take the -p switch off the shortcut
Never take the -p off the short cut, if you do, Kodi will create a default version in your userdata folder with zilch in it; except for default. As noted in the wiki, all Kodi data is kept inside that one folder, so moving it is simple... create a new shortcut with the -p of the executable if you must.

What drive is the m.2 called? If windows can see it... copy the portable installation into the root of that drive... change the path in the shortcut to reflect the new location?
FWIW... I decided to give something a try and it worked. 

I renamed the KODI file in the USERS folder of the C: drive "KODIBACKUP"...

I then installed a fresh version of the latest Kodi... 

I then scraped each drive separately... 14TB MOVIES, 14TB-II MOVIES, 10TB MOVIES...

I then scraped my two TV drives... TV ARCHIVES, TV SHOWS...

I then scraped my one music drive... 

I re-installed the theme I was using... downloaded all the associated files for it and configured it as I had it configured before.

All is well.  All my movies are coming up now... life is good.


Thank you for any/all help... it would have been nice to figure out WHY just some of the movies were coming up with control codes... but such is life... sometimes a full re-install (just reboot it!) seems to be the best method.

This version of KODI doesn't have all the extra apps and themes I installed but never used either so that's good too.

Now,  someone mentioned that the missing movies app is no bueno... they mentioned using the Event Log.  How does one do that or is there an alternative to the missing movies app that one can use to find movies that aren't being scrapped correctly?

Thanks again!
Quote:All is well.  All my movies are coming up now... life is good.

Thread marked solved.

I love it when users do the solve.. the portable installation was the work-round & ended up with a total fresh installation anyway. As previously noted it looked like a corrupt library, why it became corrupt is anyone's guess at this point, and should be a warning to all; to export your library to separate files as a back-up, to allow a fast recovery.

The 'mentioned the Event Log.' Event Log (wiki) use the online wiki's, it's Kodi's user manual and will tell you everything you would want to know and more. Link top left of this page.

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