Adding bit rate information to a skin

I was wondering if it would be possible for a skin to display the bit rate of a video in the library. The file size and duration of a video can be extracted and displayed so would it be possible to just calculate file size divided by duration and then display this value in the same way other ListItems are displayed in the skin?

Bitrate is only available for songs or PVR streams (audio, video, dolby).
I know it's not natively supported but would it be possible in theory? Maybe by creating an addon? All the addon would need to do would be to read the duration and file size of each item, preform the basic calculation and then output this value in a way that could be read (and then displayed) by the skin. Does that sound feasible?

(2024-09-05, 10:22)mattd50 Wrote: Does that sound feasible?
Would you be able to offer any advice on how to go about this? What would be the best way for the addon to go about carrying out the task?
Sorry I have no idea.
(2024-09-02, 16:03)mattd50 Wrote: Hi,

I was wondering if it would be possible for a skin to display the bit rate of a video in the library. The file size and duration of a video can be extracted and displayed so would it be possible to just calculate file size divided by duration and then display this value in the same way other ListItems are displayed in the skin?


There is also an addon for exactly such tasks.
You just have to integrate it into your skin.
It is "script.embuary.helper" look here.
Thanks for you help. I (with a lot of help from ChatGPT) managed to do it by creating a service add-on. If anyone is interested:

Works with:

  <variable name="VideoBitrateInfo">
If that's the only value in your variable then just use $INFO[Skin.String(Video_Bitrate)] in the label.

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Adding bit rate information to a skin0