Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v21 No network connectivity - Kodi only
I'm using Kodi 21.1 in Ubuntu and have recently removed my local BIND DNS server.
I've setup my computer to use the standard router as the DNS, and as the secondary.
This shows correctly in 'resolvectl status', and everything works (browsing, updates etc.), except for Kodi.
Kodi has picked these settings up as well and shows this on the Network info page,  however it is not showing an internet connect 'Internet: Not connected. Check network settings.'
I've trolled through kodi.log but cannot find a specific error pointing to what is wrong, only that libcurl cannot get files from the internet. (Couldn't resolve host name(6))
I've grepped the tv.kodi.Kodi folder for DNS, the old DNS address but couldn't find anything.
Log file
Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot/configure this
Something odd, if I kill systemd-resolve it all start working, but systemd-resolve auto restarts and breaks everything again.
I cannot explain why (seemingly) only Kodi suffers.
I resolved this by disabling the IPV6 interface on my network. Still not sure how this is different for Kodi than other applications.

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No network connectivity - Kodi only0