Release 7plus (Australia)
Thanks again. Yes, it doesn't really make sense to me. I tried again and I still get the buffering issues in your add-on (via SlyGuy).

I can stream the channels from the website fine.

My media centre is also set up to view the TV guide (accessed via the main screen > TV > Guide), which accesses your site at . When I access channels from here, all of channel 7 works perfectly. I'm not really sure how the streaming works here, because it seems to work even when I don't have any 7plus add-ons installed. But in any case, these seem to work fine, whereas using your add-on via main screen > Videos > Add-ons > 7plus has the buffering issue as above.
Awesome!  Many thanks mate.
(2021-07-24, 03:41)matthuisman Wrote: go into the add-on settings and enable Inputstream for HLS
I've just pushed an update that will force that
After getting the prompt about enabling my inputstream I went to the settings and enabled this but I am still unable to source any channel and still ge this prompt Huh My 9 Now App works perfectly ??
Constant buffering on Android and Windows with all updates installed.

Only works with SlyGuy Proxy turned off and on systems I haven't updated over the last few weeks.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Debug Log with Proxy turned on
are you getting the same quality with and without?
without proxy - the quality may be lower as not getting forced?

Try turning settings -> player -> quality -> bypass
That with proxy enabled.

That should simulate "no proxy" behaviour but still go via the proxy
Turning off proxy only stops buffering on a Shield 2015 still running Android 9, not Shield 2019 with Android 11.

Shield 2015 Proxy on

Constant buffering, cache drops from 100% to 0 within seconds.
Quality 720p.

Shield 2015 Proxy on bypass

Same buffering issues, Quality 720p.

Shield 2015 Proxy off Quality best

No buffering, cache 99-100%, Quality 720p.

There is one thing I’ve noticed, the 7+ userdata folder was deletet on Shield 2019 but still exists on Shield 2015.
thank youSmile

ive created a github issue here:

as there is going to need to be some back and forth and some different versions to try etc to narrow down the cause

Could you please leave a comment on that above issue

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