v21 QUARTZ - Omega
Thank you!
That sounds awesome.
Thank you so much for your effort and kindness!
Hi @nonJon

I am trying to implement the ability within Quartz to go directly to "Sets" from the home screen.  I am wondering if this would be a simple implementation?

If I enable the "Browse" option in Quartz for "Movies" home menu, I can then manually Browse and select "Movies", then "Sets".  But what I would really prefer is to have a Favourite that would take me directly to "Sets".  Except I cannot figure out what to put in ... would it be ... favourites.xml?  Can you possibly advise?

Thank you!
Nevermind!  I figured it out!

For anyone who wants this ... I went in to "favourites.xml" in the "userdata" folder.  Edit the file to create a new favourite as follows:

<favourite name="Collections">ActivateWindow(videos,moviesets,return)</favourite>

Then when you go into skin interface settings for the home screen, select a new favourite item to be displayed under the home screen item, and select "Collections" which will appear in the list of favourites as per the above.

Now, when you go into the home screen, in my case to "Movies", you will see an option to select "Collections" and it will take you directly to the screen to show you all of the Movie Sets that you have created.
@bfgane in this thread I explain this method of home menu customization in some detail.

Sorry for the very late response to your very interesting idea in #28.  It seems that for some reason I do not get update notification of threads I have contributed to and so have only just seen you proposal.  This seems eminently sensible and would be very much OK by me.  I guess you need this reply from me before you go ahead and make the necessary changes public.

Many thanks for your continued interest in this request.

Hello, I'm using this nice and light skin for some time now on my Android TV and I was just wondering if I can add a section for movies in progress ?

Thanks !
Hi @nonJon

Any chance v5.21.2 might hit the repository any time soon ?

Many thanks


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