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Another new issue, not present in previous TF.

Sometimes the duration is not visible in the now playing playlist. Going back and forth between TF toggles the behavior. Strangely seemed to work on two movies with duration of 130 but not others.

(2024-09-20, 01:29)amasephy Wrote: Did just add a few new movie sets. It’s probably gotten too large now. I recently added the Bond and Fast and Furious sets which combined is around 40 more movies. I have 61 movie sets in total.

Edit: Latest Kodi 21.1

Movie sets were always the slowest to refresh the sync for the past few years.
I am surprised to read this. The amount of data processed by pull-sync all movies should be larger. For my small test database I have 17 sets and they are synced instantly. Maybe there is something wrong with your database itself?
That’s possible but I’m certain I’ve had to rebuild the database from a failed Kodi install a couple of years ago and it’s always been slow. Funny thing is that the sync actually does update the movie sets and reports the correct timestamp of last sync.

I could try and remove some sets and see if the issue goes away.
(2024-09-20, 02:01)amasephy Wrote: Another new issue, not present in previous TF.

Sometimes the duration is not visible in the now playing playlist. Going back and forth between TF toggles the behavior. Strangely seemed to work on two movies with duration of 130 but not others.

You refer to showing "..." instead of "min"? Or is there nothing shown at all?
Yes. Previous TF looks like this:


Definitely a new recession with latest TF.
Ok, that's an effect of the font scaling change. Let's see, if there are more issues like this. Should be easy to fix.
Two iPad issues:

If you are in full screen mode and activate a search, then long press some media and display the modal window and then close that window you are trapped in full screen mode until you start another search and cancel that search some other way. Brining up the info window cancels the search but doesn’t bring back the fullscreen toggle button. In fact I’m not even convinced that bringing up the details window should even dismiss a search.

Second item is when the details screen is revealed while outside of fullscreen the “jump to top” button is briefly displayed when it should not be until the pane is scrolled down. This problem is not present on iPhone.

Edit: Third iPad issue: Long pressing media outside of fullscreen and tapping “Play Using” makes that play using action sheet window display mostly offscreen. Only seems to be a problem in list view. Long press on the right side of the list item. Grid view seems fine.

Edit: Forth issue: in movie library view Jumping between the bottom tool bar tabs the label gets jumpy and toggles between one line and two lines depending on whether the fullscreen button has become visible or not. For example, when fullscreen button is visible Movies (cnt) is two lines. When switching to Genres the movies label will briefly switch to one line before again changing to Movies Genres.
1. Can you share a video, I am not clear on this.
2.-4. Confirmed, will look into these.
Here’s the video.

Btw, when you are in an active search like I do in the video and attempt to use the “Play Using” button the action sheet never even appears.
Thanks for sharing. 

1. Can reproduce this now. No idea yet how to tackle this.
2. Fixed, but needs testing.
3. Fixed.
4. Found the root cause, need to find proper way to fix this.
Regarding the “Play using” - maybe I just missed it discussed in this thread but what is the PAPlayer? I noticed it when you use this feature on audio files. Both Paplayer and Videoplayer are options. Both seem to play the audio back just fine.

Edit: one more bug. Very situational but affects iPhone and iPad but more so iPad.

If you have a playlist populated, say from party mode, then you suspend the app. iPhone needs to be on nowplaying playlist view. iPad doesn’t matter.

Then Kodi server is shutdown not using the app.

Then Kodi server is restarted.

Once Kodi is restarted resume the app on your phone or iPad.

The previous playlist will still be present, though you can’t interact with it. It’s basically a phantom playlist.
This also needs more thought. The app should not drop the playlist once Kodi disconnects, as this might happen temporary. Maybe the app can force reloading the playlist on every reconnect to server. Such changes can easily cause side effects, so will take some time thinking through it.

@amasephy, I raised PRs for the first four issues you raised.
  1. Keep the "exit fullscreen" button always visible in fullscreen. This way users can exit the screen even after a search, or after selecting an item from a filtered list.
  2. "Arrow top" is initialized invisible.
  3. The list of UPnP players is rendered at the same origin as the action sheet from which "Play using..." was selected.
  4. The animation of iPad's "corner info" also is reworked to not show the reported glitch anymore.
Another issue found and fixed: The icon for the new "Movie Tags" was missing, causing wrong icons displayed and the icon for playlists missing.

Good news on a totally different topic: With iOS 18 simulator the App does again show "Favorites" for English US and "Favourites" for English UK in the settings. Apple fixed it.
Thanks for the update. Looks good and that was a really fast turn around especially being a weekend. 👍🏻

Good on Apple. Now let’s see what they broke. 😉
Just found and fixed another really nasty bug which was in the app since 1.11 (2 years back) and with shows me that several basic functions are hidden so well, that few people find them and entered this issue.
  • Filter albums for played/non-played, then select and album -> empty result.
  • Filter artists for album/song, then select an artist. -> error.
Seems many are not aware how filter (press the tab's icon multiple times).
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