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I just discovered another nice feature I was in fact not aware of: tapping multiple times on the Artist button toggles also between the list of album artists vs. the list of all artists. I always thought that the App listed only album artists because I told my Kodi server to do so.
That's what I suspected. Smile f you select any artist in such filtered list -> error.
But if you use the Others menu (with the three dots) and then Music Roles > Artist it works well?! And that’s the method I‘m used to to find songs from an artist on samplers etc.

Hi @Buschel,
Any chance to change the truncation algorithm so that the year remains always visible? Nobody needs to know the name of the fifth studio involved in the production of this or any other movie, but the year would be always nice to know. Or simply put the year after the director‘s name?
Thanks for consideration!
I second UlfSchimdt’s request. Year is far more important than a list of studios.

I knew about filtering lists by multiple taps but never tried it in music. When testing there are so many permutations of the state you can put the app in it’s easy to see how something like this could be overlooked.

Out of curiosity, did you find it by wandering the gui or reviewing the code?
It‘s software. Anything is possible. Smile
I will think about it.
1.16 build 4691
Release Notes

This build still uses Xcode 15 and adds several fixes for issues that were recently reported and found during testing. Internally there was quite heavy rework done to the menu structure types (avoiding conversion between types). Though tested and reviewed intensively this is the riskiest change, so please report any new (!) glitch when navigating the menu/libraries.

With the next build we plan to move to Xcode 16 and also introduce the new dark/tint icon themes.
(2024-09-25, 19:29)amasephy Wrote: Out of curiosity, did you find it by wandering the gui or reviewing the code?
By testing the related use cases after I found something unexpected in the code.
On the truncation topic, this is the easiest way to handle it. Simply use truncate in the middle, which can be done only in case there is a year given. Otherwise it keeps truncating at tail.
I have a new ghost bug. Half the time it does it, the other half it doesn’t. Even when it doesn’t from a fresh boot eventually I can get it to trigger with enough attempts. Race condition? Sometimes it doesn’t seem to matter how fast I tap.

Let’s say I start a session and immediately navigate to now playing and start party mode.

Then I go to the movies library on the app and start playing a movie. This takes me to the now playing view. Then go to the now playing playlist. Half the time it will correctly bring me to the movies playlist and the other half it will be stuck on the music playlist.

Bizarrely even with fresh launches on my Xbox the behavior is not 100% consistent.

Even more bizarrely, once I get into the state where it will always default to audio playlist even when repeatedly attempting to play video content I can consistently fix the issue by using the remote and navigating to some video content on Kodi server and starting playback that way instead of directly from the app. Now navigating back to the now playlist playlist the correct pane is displayed by default.

Edit: Second text scaling bug discovered. Custom buttons on the settings screen have the … issue like the length did.


I can confirm the playlist issue reported above by @amasephy. I don’t remember when I first came across it, but it’s for sure not new. Since it appears only randomly, I was never able to reproduce it and thus never reported it. But switching between different media types was never handled very well. I fear this problem has its root cause somewhere in the way Kodi server handles it. My personal favorite would be a single playlist where I can queue a movie, then a song to allow for a short restroom visit, then the next movie… just dreaming…

  1. Custom buttons: Confirmed and changed to scale down the font to show at least 2 lines whenever required.
  2. Playlist glitch: I might try to reproduce. But from my experience the behaviour of Kodi is different triggering playback via different ways (even in UI there are different ways). Not much hope there.
  3. Unified playlist: Clearly a huge change for Kodi, API and App. I am quite sure this does not happen in this decade.
One new iPad regression bug. Fullscreen is broken for music and tv show libraries. When you tap on an item it is supposed to bring up the info pane so you can play the media. Now it just brings up the action sheet.

Secondly, I have discovered another way to break the bounce position of a pane where you can trick it into staying in the middle.


Tap on TV shows.

Long press a show and tap TV Show details.

Slide the tv shows details pane out of the way.

Enter full screen on tv shows.

Exit fullscreen.

The pane will now stay in the wrong position.

Thirdly, when you enter the now playing fullscreen it would be nice if any truncated text became untruncated as it’s a bit silly to be truncating the text when there is so much space on either side.

  1. Fullscreen info: Confirmed. Happened not with the last TF build, but already with the previous. Reason was purely lack of testing on fullscreen, easy to fix. Done.
  2. Fullscreen bounce: I am not sure I will try t fix any of those. The whole stack controller is difficult to maintain, and I feel I am causing more trouble than improving this.
  3. Truncation: I am not convinced it is really improving the experience, especially if the text then stretches from for left to far right. I'd like to keep the text segment narrow enough to catch at one view.
(2024-09-27, 02:50)amasephy Wrote: Secondly, I have discovered another way to break the bounce position of a pane where you can trick it into staying in the middle.
The issue happens if you enter fullscreen for a pane which is not on top, e.g. having another open and moved aside. And there is some really difficult to understand logic for the bounce effect which I do not want to mess around with now.
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