Any way to make video video title text smaller in fullscreen playback?

Just wandering is there any way to make the text displaying the currently playing video title text thats at the top of the screen during video playback smaller & maybe also scroll as it did in xonfluence?

I've looked through the xml files but can't seem to find the right bit to edit.

The text i've circled in this image.
The code for there is at

Currently it's set to font45. FYI font13 is the standard font size, and you can see options in
That was the first thing I tried to edit yet it makes no difference regardless of what I change it to.

The edit I made to add time remaining under the clock & next to end time works but for whatever reason changing anything with the currently playing file name doesn't seem to change anything.

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Any way to make video video title text smaller in fullscreen playback?0