Linux 4K60p Video dropped frames
play movies with 4K24p is not an issue, which luckily covers most movies.
my problem is with 4K60p files. the player info shows from the beginning dropped frames, which raise only in few seconds ~300.
i use LE12 and the intel-gpu-top utility shows 100% in case of 60p.


but the CPU is not under presure


compare when running 24p file


hacohumeca.kodi (paste)

media-info 60p
qajuciwaji (paste)

media-info 24p
fetusejema (paste)
It is a complete HW pipeline from Decoder to renderer. CPU is only used in demuxer.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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