v21 TV Recordings Playback
Thanks Atreya.  Yes I do have Uncharacterized Play Next Video automatically
That setting turns out to cause the issue.
For now, you can deselect the 'Uncategozired' option to be able to start recordings from the last resume point.
Note that you will sacrifice continuous play for items that are not in the library for the time being.

It will be looked at to solve the issue.
I feel it needs to be said that i have been around here for a long time, and can honestly say that there's no reluctance from dev side to fix issues.
Quite the opposite is true, i have all faith that the issue will be solved in due time.

Fix PR from @ksooo


Will require a backport for Omega
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Thank you very much for coming to my aid!  I do appreciate it and confirm that dropping the Uncharacterized setting has cured the issue.  Well done
Well, I noticed this bug for some time now; felt it was time to do something about it Wink. PR is on its way so it will soon land in Omega and Piers thanks to participating devs. Isn't it wonderful.
PR is in the nightlies.
Tested windows, linux and android. Resuming a recording with the 'uncategorized' setting activated works as expected on all tested platforms.

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