Looking for new solution Kodi

I am running Kodi on LibreElec 11 - using a RaspberruPi 2 for streaming and movies stored on a NAS.

Kodi works ok on the Pi (its a bit slow at times) but since I have been watching a lot of streaming it is just not up to the job.

I have Netflix and Amazon Prime add-ons but the quality is not great - video freezing, browsing menus v slow etc.

I am thinking of changing to something more user friendly and was wondering if some of experienced kodi users can offer any advice?

Currently for most stuff now I just hook up my laptop to the TV - but that is becoming a pain so I want a solution where I can control everything from one place.

I have considered getting a mini PC with windows on it, install kodi on top for watching my own movies I have saved on the nas, then exiting kodi and using the browser in windows for streaming platforms (I mainly watch netflix, prime and channel 4 on demand).

Am I wrong in believing my current setup is just not up to the job anymore? Is a miniPC with windows and kodi best solution or can anyone offer any other advice or suggestions?


Thank you!

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