Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Alright, I figured I would mention it as it might have provided a clue as to the root problem.

I’m very happy with the state of the app at the moment. 🙂
That's good to hear. 😊

Please keep reporting the issues. Even if I might not be able or might not want to work on this, it is not lost. Currently I am a bit more cautious as I saw that quite some of my changes caused unexpected side effects. The app is quite loaded with functions, and the code is not easy to understand in some areas like the iPad stack controller. And reworking areas like this is opening Pandora's Box, just remember the search bar.
Totally understandable. Also don’t forget that 3rd party library used for the artwork and the chaos we went through with that one. 😉
Don’t know how I was able to reach this point, but this is definitely not correct:


Sorry, but I have no idea how to reproduce this. I hope @amasephy may help, as he’s always discovering errors nobody else does Wink
That’s a new one. What do you recall doing before noticing this?

And are both of those time elapsed labels increasing in time?
I had seen this in the past. Usually only one of them is active, the other keeps unchanged but visible. Have not seen this since the rework of playlists. Let me know once you find a way to reproduce. But as long as it is hard to get there, I am not too worried.

This is what I am playing around with:
While searching in Global Search the section headers are kept. This makes it easier to differentiate between the different item types, nicely visible when searching for "ters" which show the movie and soundtrack of Interstellar.
(2024-09-28, 21:19)Buschel Wrote: I had seen this in the past. Usually only one of them is active, the other keeps unchanged but visible. Have not seen this since the rework of playlists. Let me know once you find a way to reproduce. But as long as it is hard to get there, I am not too worried.
Yes, the second one was the song actually playing when I recognized this. The previous song played before (and completed), so there must have been something in between that caused the update of the progress bar in the playlist to stop (I was browsing through my music archive to add further songs to the playlist when this happened).

Quote:This is what I am playing around with:
While searching in Global Search the section headers are kept. This makes it easier to differentiate between the different item types, nicely visible when searching for "ters" which show the movie and soundtrack of Interstellar.
Yes, this is a very important improvement, highly appreciated. Thanks for improving this.

By the way, any chance to present the search results alphabetically sorted, e.g. when searching for items in “All songs”, so that matches of the same title appear together?
When searching, the list keeps the sort order as requested/received from Kodi, no additional sort logic is applied. I agree, this looks weird for cases like Top100, which are sorted by descending playcount, or songs, which have no specific sort order. Changing this is for sure possible, but will need some thinking. Sort order is another one of those complex implementations. Let’s see.
Next feature I am working on:
On a recent test flight the toolbar was fixed on iPad to work after a search had been performed in a library view.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to enable the toolbar even during a search on iPhone. Currently it’s hidden from view during an active search. I believe this may not be necessary to hide it anymore with all of your search bar fixes.

My evidence of this is that I came up with a way to trick the app into showing the toolbar during an active search and it works as expected. Pressing any buttons on the toolbar simply clears the search.

The setup:

Go to a library view like movies. Perform a search. Scroll to hide the keyboard. Toolbar is still invisible. Long press a movie, show details. Swipe back. Search is still active, toolbar is now visible. Interact with the toolbar.
I would even consider this a bug. What is intended:
  • Just clicking into searchbar, without entering a search phrase yet, should keep the toolbar visible. There is no search going on. This is the case where now button presses are executed.
  • Entering a search phrase and showing filtered content. The toolbar shall not be visible as I want keep the maximum visible area for the filtered results.
I could reproduce the issue / workaround you described, but this does not always work. Usually, as desired, the toolbar is removed after going back to the filtered list.
(2024-09-27, 05:30)Buschel Wrote: Fullscreen bounce: I am not sure I will try t fix any of those. The whole stack controller is difficult to maintain, and I feel I am causing more trouble than improving this.

it needs some serious refactoring then
1.16 build 4691.42

This a test build with a non-merged PR to collect some feedback. It provides the improvements in search which we discussed earlier:
- Improvement: Show sections with item type for search results in Global Search
- Improvement: Sort search results by ascending label

...and a new feature for search in general (you can enter "1973" in movie, TV show, video, album, song views to match this with the release year):
- Feature: Support searching year via the search field
(2024-10-01, 10:22)kambala Wrote: it needs some serious refactoring then
Yep. Main trouble is in method handlePanFrom inside the ancient class StackScrollViewController. You volunteer? Smile
(2024-10-01, 10:22)kambala Wrote: it needs some serious refactoring then
Did this, what a mess this was. Now code is reduced by several hundred LOC, proper bounce animations are added, a lot of comments were added and still it is far less complex now. Would need some thorough testing of course.
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