Release BlackBarsNever - Now on official Kodi repo
We all hate letterbox black bars, right? What if there was a parallel universe where black bars didn't exist, where we could watch movies and series that fill up the whole screen to provide an immersive and enjoyable experience? That universe does exist, in the form of BlackBarsNever. This addon automatically detects black bars (even when hard coded into the video) and applies just the right amount of zoom to fill up the screen. You end up with a picture that's delightful and pleasant to look at, as opposed to the jarring, letterbox bounded, diminished atrocities we have had to endure for decades. The problem of black bars has been solved, forever.

We have been serving joy from Github for the longest time and now it is our pleasure to announce to you that we are available on the official Kodi repository too (Services category -> BlackBarsNever). This new development translates into seamless updates, you will no longer have to fiddle around with zip files from Github. More features coming soon, watch this space 🙏

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BlackBarsNever - Now on official Kodi repo0