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Kodi scraping really slowly on Nvidia Shield Pro (2019)
Hi all.
I'm hoping that someone can help me.
I have the current version of Kodi (21.1) installed on my Nvidia Shield Pro (2019) version.
All is working perfectly including connecting to my home cinema amplifier etc.
All my media is stored on a Synology NAS drive and I can play all my media perfectly without issue.
I have set Kodi to automatically scan my NAS folders for any new media.
The issue I am having is that scraping appears to take forever, sometimes it takes about 15 mins for the scraping progress bar to even move to 1%, where it take take over 1hour to complete.
I only have this issue on the Nvidia Shield, and have Kodi installed on my Windows PC's as well as generic branded Android TV units, also connected to the same NAS unit, where the scraping takes seconds to complete.
Please advise what may be causing this issue.
I have uploaded the Kodi log file onto the hastebin portal, and the link to it is below.

Link to Kodi log file

Many thanks in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Seems there is a problem accessing your shares...
error <general>: Unable to lookup host: 'MORTUZA-SHARE'
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Hi Karellen,
Thanks for your response.
Not sure what that error line means, but I can definitely access the media on that shared folder and Kodi does eventually scrape the details of any new content.

It just takes over an hour to do so.

I have the exact same Kodi install and setup on other Android boxes and Windows PCs and they scrape fine. It's just the Nvidia Shield that this problem appears to happen on. I can probably upload a short video clip to show?

Thanks again. Appreciate you looking into this... 👍
If you enable debug mode in the log, we might see more info. Also enable component logging for databases and SMB (are you using smb?)

I notice in your log that you have a MySQL setup. Do you need to use this box to scrape your library when one of your other boxes can do it?
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Kodi scraping really slowly on Nvidia Shield Pro (2019)0