v20 How can I change the behaviour of fwd/bwd navigation?
When I use fwd/bwd navigation (on a remote) repeatedly, it skips larger steps. I don't like that. Especially because of how fast the step size is increasing.

I didn't find much helpful documentation on configuring keymaps for the player. Did I miss something?

I've already downloaded Add-on:Keymap Editor and I can change the assignment of the fwd/bwd buttons on my remote. It just seems, that there aren't any good choices. Is there a simple small step fwd/bwd that is not increasing dynamically???

Or is there a way to create my own function to assign?
See if you find anything useful here:
Thank you very much, MatteN. That was a huge help.

Seems I was looking in all the wrong places, when all I had to do was to remove all the skip steps other than +10s and -10s.
Hi Evryone,

Anyone knows how to add a shortkey for :
 - activate/deactivate"Allow hardware acceleration -Mediacodec (surface)"
 - activate/deactivate"Allow hardware acceleration -Mediacodec"

If not a shortkey for displaying the "settings/player"

I Think I have to find a code and put it on xml but I don't know the code


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How can I change the behaviour of fwd/bwd navigation?0