Solved How to create a Recently Added smart playlist for Movies?
I've created a number of smart playlists, e.g. categories. Now I want to add a Recently Added playlist for movies added in the last e.g. 30 days, and it should display the movies with the most recent at the top.

And while I'm at it, when clicking Movies, it displays a list of recently added titles. I'd like to remove that, so that I caqn use the playlist instead. I don't have access to the AdvancedSettings.xml file in UserData as it is running on a QNAP NAS, and QNAP doesn't allow access to those directories\files.

Thanks in advance.
Start with the wiki's.. Smart playlists (wiki) and Smart playlists/GUI Method (wiki)

This is an example of a 4 week smartplaylist stored in \userdata\playlists\video
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>Recently Added in the Last 4 weeks</name>
    <rule field="dateadded" operator="inthelast">
        <value>4 weeks</value>
    <order direction="ascending">dateadded</order>

The listing for recently added is in this file \addons\skin.aeon.nox.silvo\shortcuts\ and the access for the playlist is addons\skin.aeon.nox.silvo\extras\playlists
Thank you.
Thread marked solved.

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How to create a Recently Added smart playlist for Movies?0