Req Need help with creating kodi repo!
Okay, so I need help with creating a Kodi repo and I am almost ready to give up, as I tried using a Github repo that I forked but everything keeps going wrong, I just cannot understand any of the tutorials on how, as i am now sitting here, with multiple Powershell windows open, and error after obscure error. So I need help really bad (any help is appreciated!)
(2024-11-15, 07:38)RubyOS Wrote: and error after obscure error

maybe share one or more of these errors in order to get assistance
okay well one of the errors (I guess not Kodi related) was in the windows command line where it tried to find (execute) a file specifically, but i got an error message saying it couldn't access the file, i have tried seeing if the file was there, which it obviously was and python (v3) is installed with PATH on.
If you did a full installer version of python for windows  the python launcher should be installed.  Try doing just "py" on command line (I don't normally use powershell as I'm not up to figuring out all the details of it for what I do).  See if it is launching the interpreter; if not you have install issues to sort out first.

scott s.
well I just found out that the command only works when you add new unzipped addons to the repo, but now I am getting this error in the log and the repo wont install, saying it has an "invalid structure"

error <general>: CAddonInfoBuilder::ADDON::CAddonInfoBuilder::Generate: Unable to load 'zip://C%3a%5cUsers%5coogri%5cDownloads%5crepository.neben.addons-master%20(4).zip/repository.neben.addons-master/addon.xml', Line 0
Well, you are going to have to explain exactly how you are creating your repo.  Link to your addon.xml would help.

scott s.
Here is the Github link:
Well, I got rid of the "maxversion" attribute in addon.xml so it would work on Kodi 22 alpha, and it installed/works for me.

scott s.

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Need help with creating kodi repo!0