Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Which platform supports 4K H.265 / HEVC decoding?
I have Google TV w/CC and it doesn't seem to properly do the playback. Is there a platform that does?
Thanks for the link. It seems boxes with S905X4 are recommended. My CCWGTV 4k uses  S905X3 .  From specs,  S905X3 doesn't seem to be that different. Is there any official set of video format that  S905X3 can decode?
I can watch some movies x265 4k, but not some others. What would be the difference?
Amlogic S905X3 Specifications


as for difference, it's subjective to each person's use case, do whatever looks good to your eyes on your screen
From that link it says 'H.265 HEVC MP-10 @ L5.1 up to 4Kx2K @ 60 fps', so it should be supported

I have been playing with different .mkv. It seems I have the problem with only a few.

With media info, the 2 I have probems with show

17.2 Mb/s, 3840*1604 (2.39:1), at 24.000 FPS, HVEC (Main 10@L5@Main), HDR10/HDR10
18.0 Mb/s, 3840*1604 (2.39:1), at 23.976 FPS, HVEC (Main 10@L5@Main), HDR10/HDR10

I have other movies with same video info (even higher Mb/s) playing well

I'm not sure if MediaInfo is correct.  Sometimes info it shows me it's not the same what kodi plays (and shows as an Icon on my TV)
IS there something specific I should look for in the files that make them more difficult to play?
They're both HDR videos; does your device support HDR?

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Which platform supports 4K H.265 / HEVC decoding?0