Posts: 5
Joined: Jun 2013
Thanks so much for this skin, I've been using AF1 for a while but this is much cleaner and easier to work with.
Only thing I wish it had was the option for trailers to show in the top right corner when you highlight a movie/show for x seconds like you can in AF1 and like with Netflix.
Any plans to do it?
Regardless it's great and I've uploaded my layout which I hope you all enjoy viewing.
Posts: 5
Joined: Jun 2013
OK, please disregard the part of my last post regarding the request about the auto trailer. I've since learned that it's been discussed to death and reasons given why it's a bad idea.
Sorry about that.
Amazing skin nevertheless. Thank you for your efforts in creating it.
Posts: 77
Joined: Sep 2023
Love the new skin. Completely ridiculous how much faster it is on Google streamer than the original Af
One quick question will we have the ability to put power ,options,reload at the bottom of each row of widgets like on old AF. I found that really useful in all scenarios. Forgive me if it's already there or how do I activate it? Please and thank you beforehand.
Posts: 5
Joined: Jun 2020
Hi, just love for this skin. Thanks for that.
I’ve discovered one bug. I use the Twitch add-on and setup my subscriptions (live channels, etc.) as a widget. As soon as I want to start a stream from this widget, Kodi crashes. AF1 did not have this problem.
Would be great if this get fixed.
Thank you.