2024-09-15, 14:12
For the records, the "Sports" section can be found under the "Shows" section.
![Smile Smile](https://forum.kodi.tv/images/smilies/smile.png)
(2024-09-16, 10:43)matthuisman Wrote: @mollyrocco
I have tried the same content with UK VPN and I can play it OK.
I can re-create your same issue by doing one of the following
1) not having a valid paid subscription
2) trying to play that same content from a different location
I can see you navigating the content so assume #2 isn't your issue.
I suggest you check the login your using has a current paid subscription.
Otherwise you can not play back any content
Another thing pointing to #1 is the JWT token in your error: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjNkNjg4NGJmLWViMDktNDA1Zi1hOWZjLWU0NGE1NmY3NjZiNiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI1MzkyNjc1MF9HQiIsImVudCI6W3siYmlkIjoiQWxsQWNjZXNzTWFpbiIsImVwaWQiOjB9XSwiaWF0IjoxNzI2MTM5MDEzLCJleHAiOjE3MjYxNTM0MTMsImlzcyI6ImNicyIsImFpZCI6ImNic2kiLCJpc2UiOnRydWUsImp0aSI6IjExY2M2ODVmLTgyNDItNGE2ZC04MGUwLWI4NDcwYTY0Zjk2NCJ9.KLzqpKgAZ_9A09cTcfxYpqi0tZQrkkKq_Ib-6pQUuto"
Paste that into https://jwt.io/ and you can see "epid" is 0.
That should not be a 0 for valid subs
(2024-11-20, 23:28)starslayer74 Wrote: I'm having problem with video playback, I am getting the audio but no video at all.
I ran into this once before and I can't recall how I fixed it, but it's happening with most of the slyguy repo addons.
I've attached my logfile: https://paste.kodi.tv/elidahigih