Search functionality in video add-ons
Once I search for something, that serach item stays forever until I clear search history.  I wanted to open an issue in the repo to request adding a delete option to each search item under the three-dots, but I have no idea what repo search comes from.
Maybe you can be more specific which skin and exactly where you activate the Search.
Is it the Global Search addon? If yes, it is maintained in the repo of Team-Member @ronie...
Try adding a request there. But @ronie is not active a lot anymore, so it might be a while before he responds. No harm in trying.
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(2024-12-31, 00:49)jnojr Wrote: Once I search for something, that serach item stays forever until I clear search history.  I wanted to open an issue in the repo to request adding a delete option to each search item under the three-dots, but I have no idea what repo search comes from.
What video addon are you using and searching in ? Eg Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) ?

[mod edit] name of banned add-on

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Search functionality in video add-ons0