Slovenian (Slovene) translation

have question about releasing / update of Slovenian language. About 2 months ago many strings was translated but still no public update.

Can be somehow checked what is the status?

Translated strings still not published after 6 months.. ?
I'll report this for you.
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Thank you.
Any news?
All translations should be up to date by now.
Yes and no..

On Exit Menu header is not fixed.
On Video Menu last text is not translated even if it was..

So, is there some problems on Weblate service sync?
Yes and no. The biggest problem is translation merge is done manually and I (or another person with admin access) musn't forget to do it from time to time.
On new Kodi release translations are still not up-to-date.. after 1 year I simply give it up.. I spend to much my free time for nothing...

So.. be well.. I'm gone..
I'm sorry that you feel that way, but general complaints without details are not helpful. Currently, I do manual merging of fresh translations at least once in 2-3 weeks. Translations are addons that are then updated regardless of the current Kodi version. Here's the latest Slovenian translation that was updated 2 weeks ago according to the GH log. Here's the corresponding file in the Kodi addons repo: so it should be available for all users. What exactly is missing there? And just for information: translations are updated only for the current stable major Kodi version. Previous major versions do not receive updates.

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Slovenian (Slovene) translation0