Delay in reading library for artwork, is this normal?
I was having some issues with my script not doing some things it's supposed to when MyVideos.xml is first opened.

Eventually I traced it back to the fact that there seems to be a delay in populating infolabels based on the library artwork. I don't think this would be impacted by image loading etc, as I just mean getting the path as a string, not actually displaying the artwork. It is taking a second or two to populate the label on first load directly in my skin.xml forgetting the addon, while other infolabels are instant.

E.g. this label:

<control type="label">
<label>label: $INFO[ListItem.Label][CR]thumb: $INFO[ListItem.Art(thumb)]</label>

'label' pops up as soon as the window loads, but 'thumb' takes 1-2 seconds to populate.

Is this normal expected behaviour or is this some sort of DB issue on my end? I would have thought both are simply being looked up in the library so the time to return the results should be comparable?

Edit: Just to add, this issue is only on first load, as soon as I scroll, both are instantaneous
I suspect the immediacy after the first load is directly correlated to the database being pre-loaded after initial scan and local over remote thing.

Is this TMDB helper doing the loading? I recall Jurialmunkey mentioning sometimes there can be a delay on container/service monitor updates (from an issue with Awards I was seeing) and wondering if this is a similar issue to that.

Is the image being remote scraped or is it all local artwork on the source drive? I see some minor delays in "recommended" when it loads as the remote images come from TMDB etc.... but anything I know is local even on 1st load, those artworks are damn near immediate.
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
Working On
: Replacing Embuary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%
(Yesterday, 23:47)kittmaster Wrote: I suspect the immediacy after the first load is directly correlated to the database being pre-loaded after initial scan and local over remote thing.

Is this TMDB helper doing the loading? I recall Jurialmunkey mentioning sometimes there can be a delay on container/service monitor updates (from an issue with Awards I was seeing) and wondering if this is a similar issue to that.

Is the image being remote scraped or is it all local artwork on the source drive? I see some minor delays in "recommended" when it loads as the remote images come from TMDB etc.... but anything I know is local even on 1st load, those artworks are damn near immediate.

No plugins involved, just a direct call to the local library. Artwork is stored locally and cached in the texture db. Once you start scrolling through everything it's instant, perhaps the texture db takes slightly longer to load than the video db, or I've got something wrong with mine. But I assumed that would be kept open all the time and would be loaded before the videos window even opens. Will test at some point rebuilding with a new DB to see if that fixes it. Thanks for the suggestions anyway
A delay is normal. Kodi first loads the list of all media and most of the data, opens the window to display it, then loads all artwork for the list of media.

The length of the delay depends on the amount of content and speed of the database, and should be comparable to the delay in initial window load.

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Delay in reading library for artwork, is this normal?0