Posts: 81
Joined: Jul 2015
I agree, having pretty much everything external is the reason I can still use 17.6.
Posts: 18
Joined: Sep 2024
Thanks for the reply. In the meantime I have gone down the MPC-BE + MadVR route and I must say that with a VPJ it does imprve the experience. Next step is to add the 3D LUT. Still willing to test the DSPlayer, which seams to be a much more convenient approach once integrated into Kodi
Posts: 18
Joined: Sep 2024
Thank you for the suggestion. I do know about integration with external players and MadVr, but you do lose a lot of the functionality offered by Kodi. I just wish Kodi Team implemented madVr as other players do or a form of dynamic tone mapping.
As posted above, I have started using MPC-BE + madVr and I do like what I am seeing, but you also have to go through the hassle of playing around with playcore configurations, etc. and have to use a second remote to control MPC. I have Kodi integrated into openHab.