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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
What kind of rating do You mean? For TMDB, ratings are shown as a label (poster/fanart/banner views) or as numeric value (list views). Trakt and Rotten Tomatoes are special ratings available only with Universal Movie Scraper.
(2025-02-04, 08:17)hiberto Wrote: I have Show Ratings in Dialog Info Views enabled

That affects only the info view. For general ratings You have to choose one of this option:

(2025-02-03, 14:16)_BJ1 Wrote: Do you think so? Blush It's already in the pipeline and on Github. Haven't much time to write here...
I'm sorry, didn't want to offend you. It really was a joke, believe me. I wasn't even referring to the absence of replies from you, more generally to the fact that nobody expressed an opinion on what I was describing.

I remain thankful for all the work you put into this.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2025-02-04, 17:33)ashlar Wrote: It really was a joke, believe me.

Of course I know that, so it's all ok Laugh Maybe until weekend there's a new version on Nerdsrepo.
(2025-02-04, 10:28)_BJ1 Wrote: What kind of rating do You mean? For TMDB, ratings are shown as a label (poster/fanart/banner views) or as numeric value (list views). Trakt and Rotten Tomatoes are special ratings available only with Universal Movie Scraper.
(2025-02-04, 08:17)hiberto Wrote: I have Show Ratings in Dialog Info Views enabled

That affects only the info view. For general ratings You have to choose one of this option:


Thanks I was able to get the IMDB ratings to show using an add-on. I know you can create a node or a playlist for IMDB Top 250 movies but is there a way to get IMDB top 250 movies to have a media flag (like that just says IMDB top 250 or the actual number ranking from 1-250) either on the Info page or poster view on the poster or bottom row with the other flags?
### 21.2.1+omega.17 ###
  • some improvements in triple list view
  • improve check of HDR type labels in video OSD 
(2025-02-05, 20:27)_BJ1 Wrote: ### 21.2.1+omega.17 ###
  • some improvements in triple list view
Thanks! I tested a bit. An improvement but I think there is a bug.

In Settings/Player/Music there is the "Play next song automatically".
All other Artists views do not show tracks in the first screen. You have to select an album and then you're brought to the track list for that album, that uses the same view for all the other available views for Artists.

That view behaves correctly. If you play a song in an album and you have the "Play next song automatically" active, the whole album is enqued as a playlist. When doing this from "Triple lists" view this does not happen, behavior is always as if the "Play next song automatically" setting was off.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
In Triple List View you have to select the album or song collection in the middle of the view and choose "play" from context menu. Playing all songs from the right part of the triple view is not possible., this list is a simple fixed list. Setting the ID similar to a playlist will change the behaviour/appearance of the complete triple view but doesn't act as an playlist. I didn't found a solution yet.
(2025-02-07, 10:52)_BJ1 Wrote: In Triple List View you have to select the album or song collection in the middle of the view and choose "play" from context menu. Playing all songs from the right part of the triple view is not possible., this list is a simple fixed list. Setting the ID similar to a playlist will change the behaviour/appearance of the complete triple view but doesn't act as an playlist. I didn't found a solution yet.
Oh, ok. I thought it was worth pointing it out.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2025-02-07, 18:47)ashlar Wrote: Oh, ok. I thought it was worth pointing it out.

Yeah thanks. Maybe some other has a solution, but it seems that I'm not the one (yet)  Smile
(2025-02-07, 19:05)_BJ1 Wrote:
(2025-02-07, 18:47)ashlar Wrote: Oh, ok. I thought it was worth pointing it out.

Yeah thanks. Maybe some other has a solution, but it seems that I'm not the one (yet)  Smile
Is the inability to navigate "inside" an album while using "Double lists" music view expected? From contextual menu I can select "Browse into" but I would expect that to be the normal select action for an album. Instead, nothing happens.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Hm, left side let me browse through an album, the right-hand side plays the album directly. That's the expected behaviour.

EDIT: You have to install the "Play Album Script" (Skin settings >> Requested Addons).
(2025-02-10, 11:06)_BJ1 Wrote: Hm, left side let me browse through an album, the right-hand side plays the album directly. That's the expected behaviour.

EDIT: You have to install the "Play Album Script" (Skin settings >> Requested Addons).
So there's no way to have the default behavior being "Browse into"? Because that's how it works for pretty much all other views.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
is there a way to display media flags for HDR or Dolby Vision? It just shows the 4K flag
HDR10, HLG and Dolby Vision are shown by default (bottom bar in most Views, Video Info, Player Info). For HDR10+ you have to use filename tagging with .hdrplus. within it (e.g. mymovie.hdrplus.mkv). Movies must be scraped into the library, the visibility of those flags must be enabled: Skin Settings >> General >> Show Media Flags >> Configure Media Flags.
(2025-02-10, 11:06)_BJ1 Wrote: Hm, left side let me browse through an album, the right-hand side plays the album directly.
(2025-02-10, 23:00)ashlar Wrote: So there's no way to have the default behavior being "Browse into"? Because that's how it works for pretty much all other views.

Read careful.  Laugh
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Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition0