Python mediaplay() not working
just wanted to autostart a shoutcaststream, but this won't work at the moment. don't know if it's a bug or not supported.
how do you autostart it?
xbmc.mediaplay("[url]http://shoutcast"[/url]) ?

the last should work, the first shouldn't.
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nice, will try it later.

forget everything. it's almost working. the problem is something with the xfs i have to check later...
btw, as you are the python guru... :-)
could you give me an example how to make directories and remove them. can i access the f: drive through python?
i wrote a shoutcast-pls-updater this afternoon, but can't get it to work on the xbox. works nice on winxp, but thats not what i want! :-)
i'm new to python, here the relevant functions:

shoutcast_dir = 'f:/music/radio/'
#got this one from somewhere here in the forum, but doesn't work on the box:
def clean_dir(dirname):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):
for name in files:
os.remove(join(root, name))

#creates missing directories for the given path
def make_path(path):
dpath = normpath(dirname(path))
if not exists(dpath): makedirs(dpath)
return normpath(abspath(path))

# saves the content under the given path. (i.e. dir=f:/music/shoutcast/ filename=blabla.pls)
def save_file(dir, filename, content):
file = open(dir + filename, 'w')

thanx a lot
just a quick look
'/' is not supported in python for xbmc
use '\\' instead

shoutcast_dir = 'f:\\music\\radio'
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since this turns into python scripting i move it to the "development" forum. Smile
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Python mediaplay() not working0