back to menu takes around 20 secs..
Big Grin 
- using 31-12 build -

while watching a video and wanting to adjust the screen calibration for example, the rendering of the menu is taking between 10 to 20 seconds. no buttons on the remote will do anything during that period.

also, the default postprocessing setting is causing awfull screen artifacts to appear. please disable this by default or relook at the postprocessing algorithm.

in the menu under filters, the filter settings are not logical, you can set auto only when selecting post processing, and the other settings also depending on what is selected above, however, when you deselect something higher in the hierarchy the other options still are set active. there is no visual feedback on what belongs together!
first i want to say that you guys (the devs) are awesome! to see how xbmc is progressing day by day is great! now on to the bug report ;-)

i can confirm the problem from the post above for the 2004-01-02 cvs as well. the problem occurs when i play video through either samba or relax (haven't tried from hd or disc).

when pressing the menu button on the remote control the screen first turns black. sometimes it stays black but you can still hear the audio in the background. the player reverts from "blackness" to the menu after 10 - 20 seconds.

sometimes the video reappears after the first "black-out". the video is however resized and is playing somewhat choppy (audio still audible in the background). interestingly, the resized video window that appears is approximiately the same size and position as in xbmp, when you would activiate the osd and the video screen would shrink. the player reverts from the resized and repositioned video window to the menu after 10-20 seconds.
isnt this cause of the hdd spin down?
oopss, you are absolutely right. must have missed that information somewhere. after adjusting hdd spindown to 0 the delay is less than 2 seconds. thanks for the info.
it would seem that i was a bit too fast. with hd-spindown set to 0 the problem seems to have been reduced but it is not completely gone. in warying videos i get everything from 2 - 10 second delays when going back to the menus. both behaviors as described in the first post are still there (i.e. either blank screen or blank screen + resized and repositioned video window before returning to menu).

is the delay due to some hardware/processing limitation of the xbox?

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back to menu takes around 20 secs..0