updating music database fails
the reorganize my music database in the music settings doesnt seem to work correctly. the mymusic4.db file gets updated and it seems to be reading the songs on my network via xns but when it gets to marking deleted songs xbmc hangs, i left it for 5 mins to see if it just took a while but it doesnt do anything. i had to hard reset the box.
does this feature just cache the songs to make it quicker to load? so should you be updating the database after every time you change something in your music directory?
i've also seen this same hang at marking deleted songs.

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i have checked in a new version of database reorg into cvs today, so feel free to test and reply. Smile

the marking deleted songs error should be gone now. :d


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now all we need is for sourceforge to update the damn anonymous cvs so i can update my build! those slackers Smile

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what exactly does reorganize do? my whole database got erased when i tried it, even if the songs where there (xns).
Quote:what exactly does reorganize do?
it looks at every song in the database, if its corresponding file is still in place. if not, it removes the song from the database. if the file still exists it re-reads the tag information.

Quote:my whole database got erased when i tried it, even if the songs where there (xns).
that was a bug Sad , which is corrected in cvs already...


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(bobbin007 @ jan. 07 2004,16:07 Wrote:
Quote:what exactly does reorganize do?
it looks at every song in the database, if its corresponding file is still in place. if not, it removes the song from the database. if the file still exists it re-reads the tag information.
does it also add any new files that it finds to the database?
(burriko @ jan. 07 2004,17:17 Wrote:
(bobbin007 @ jan. 07 2004,16:07 Wrote:
Quote:what exactly does reorganize do?
it looks at every song in the database, if its corresponding file is still in place. if not, it removes the song from the database. if the file still exists it re-reads the tag information.
does it also add any new files that it finds to the database?
no, it only looks if the files are still there.


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