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NFO file to override genres?
Hi, while I love Library mode, I have found it a bit tedious due to the sheer number of Genres that come across when your movies are scrapped. I read about using NFO files on the Wiki, but it wasn't quite specific. If I have an NFO file that specifies ONLY the Genre tag, will this override a movie's genre, but leave all other information in the Library from the scrape of the online sites?

Also, I noticed you can have a movie.nfo file in a directory that is applied to ALL movies (rather than having one NFO per file). Could I use that in a folder to classify all movies as a specific genre (that's how my files are structured in Windows anyway), and if so, would I still be able to scan, and scrape for the rest of the detail?
sglewis Wrote:Hi, while I love Library mode, I have found it a bit tedious due to the sheer number of Genres that come across when your movies are scrapped. I read about using NFO files on the Wiki, but it wasn't quite specific. If I have an NFO file that specifies ONLY the Genre tag, will this override a movie's genre, but leave all other information in the Library from the scrape of the online sites?

Also, I noticed you can have a movie.nfo file in a directory that is applied to ALL movies (rather than having one NFO per file). Could I use that in a folder to classify all movies as a specific genre (that's how my files are structured in Windows anyway), and if so, would I still be able to scan, and scrape for the rest of the detail?

a.) This is indeed a pain i the a%^. The problem is that XBMC opens up a gew genre slot whenever it sees a different genre, even spelling. (Shameless self-promo: MR will allow you to consolidate different scraped genres into one group, getting rid of this proliferation of genres).

b.) It is my understanding that it's an either/or thing. I am sure the developer in question can clarify?

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NFO file to override genres?0