Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Anyone else noticed that opening myth:// files takes a long time?
Has anyone else using a myth:// source to integrate with MythTV noticed that it takes a long time to start playing any of the recordings. Regularly it takes our system 20+ seconds to start playing a file.

I've got a bunch of patches in my tree that I don't believe affect this, but want to see if anyone else is having a similar experience.
The recordings seem to be pretty instant, but I get an eight second lag whenever I hit the live tv streams.
With some additional debug code I've found a huge lag when the code scans the TV tuners to see if the program being opened is currently recording.

Not sure how to rectify at the moment, will look more once some of my other Myth TV related patches are all in.
Wohoo, with some massaging of the code I now have reasonably responsive playback, e.g. 2-3 seconds before starting rather than 20-30 seconds.

At the end of CMythFile::SetupRecording

m_recording = (m_dll->proginfo_rec_status(m_program) == RS_RECORDING);
  /*m_recording = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TUNER_NUMBER && !m_recording; i++)
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Checking if the program is being recorded on tuner number: %i", __FUNCTION__, i);

    cmyth_recorder_t recorder = m_dll->conn_get_recorder_from_num(m_control, i);
    if (!recorder)

    if (m_dll->recorder_is_recording(recorder))
      cmyth_proginfo_t program = m_dll->recorder_get_cur_proginfo(recorder);

      if (m_dll->proginfo_compare(program, m_program) == 0)
        m_recording = true;


Not even sure that the m_recording variable needs to be set for file playback. Couldn't see it obviously being used for anything outside of Live TV.
Happy to test this when it gets included..
sijones Wrote:Happy to test this when it gets included..

That code change only affects playback of files already recorded. Not Live TV unfortunately.

There might be some tweaks that can be done to help with Live TV though.

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Anyone else noticed that opening myth:// files takes a long time?0