Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[WINDOWS] XBMC over Component (via a HDMI -> Component converter box)
Hi folks,

I've been trying to get XBMC setup for use with an older HDTV that only has component video inputs. I'm using an ExtenHD converter box to convert the DVI output of my computer to component video at 1920x1080 30Hz (as indicated by the windows display properties). Everything displays just fine in Windows - I can play HD movies in Media Player and even Media Center works. However, as soon as I fire up XBMC, the display flickers and then blanks out.

I've tried all of the 1920x1080 resolutions that are available via the XBMC interface with no luck. The only resolutions that I can get to work at all are the 640x480 set. What's odd is that if, while my screen is blanked out due to the sync issue with XBMC running at 1920x1080, I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up the windows task manager, the tv syncs back up and I can see XBMC sitting in the background behind the task manager... @ 1920x1080. As soon as I bring it back to the forground, however, the tv loses sync and blanks out again.

Has anyone else run into this before?
I should probably note that I have the AppleTV version of XBMC working just fine over these same component cables with the AppleTV set to 1920x1080i. The AppleTV XBMC is set to "1920x1080" but the information screen reports that it's running at 1280x1080 60Hz.

I was curious to see what'd happen if I switched the Windows XBMC resolution to that reported 1280x1080 @ 60Hz but that resolution isn't available. Confused
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[WINDOWS] XBMC over Component (via a HDMI -> Component converter box)0