Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Where to upload large files for bug report
I have two files that freeze XBMC before it even starts playing them (but after you press play) and I was wondering if any one has suggestions how I could get these files to the devs and file a bug reports. One is about 700MB and the other is about 300MB.

Harry Muscle Wrote:I have two files that freeze XBMC before it even starts playing them (but after you press play) and I was wondering if any one has suggestions how I could get these files to the devs and file a bug reports. One is about 700MB and the other is about 300MB.


Typically, you pastebin xbmc.log and then post the URL first. That way the devs can see what the issue might be. Then if a dev wants the file, he/she will contact you with a ftp server login.

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Where to upload large files for bug report0