2009-06-04, 09:12
iRoNBiLL Wrote:With this issue atrac, I would ask this in XBMC forums, because Navi-X is simply a directory listing of links... using Navi-X would be the same as if you went to your audio sources and had a browse button setup to scan the internet. The real question to ask would be "Why does my Xbox freeze when my screensaver turns on while streaming audio?"
A test that can confirm whether the issue has to do with Navi-X or not would be to manually add the source to the ShoutCast radio channel to your "Audio Sources" then start the audio and let the screensaver run. Also make sure you duplicate the same environment by downloading something big simultaneously on a computer connected to your LAN.
If the same error occurs, the issue is with your XBMC...
If the error doesn't occur, the issue is with your Navi-X...
I was unable to replicate the problem you're having so I can't give you a more definitive answer until you try this test. Then we'll know where the culprit is and the next step would be to try a "fresh install" of the suspected app, either XBMC or Navi-X. Thanks.
Hi iRoNBiLL,
Thanks for the troubleshooting tip! I hadn't thought of trying that!
So I followed your suggestion and manually created the stream files and ran them outside of Navi-X. I ran them while downloading (heavy traffic) and the screensaver came on and did not crash my xbox. I made sure to run Navi-X again and try it with the same traffic and the system still freezes right when the screen saver comes on (actually there is still audio for a minute or two with the frozen screen, then it all dies and I have to hard reboot).
I do note that there is a new June 1st build that fixes the RTMP problem so let me try that now before we proceed.
*EDIT* Just updated to XBMC-9.04.1-FIXED-BABYLON-T3CH and the problem persists. I did update to Navi-X 2.8 (can't seem to get the auto update to 2.8.1 to occur though).
At any rate, I didn't realize that Shoutcast was built-in to XBMC by adding it as a music source. So rather than try to troubleshoot this (as I seem to be the only one having this problem), I think I'll just use Shoutcast that way -- as it also doesn't crash my xbox when the screensaver comes on.
Thanks though for your effort!