Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How can I export/import NFO files when using a UPnP (DNLA) server?

I'm new to XBMC, installed it last week.

I'm able to export the movie info from database to a network folder, modify the NFO file. That's okay.

But most of my movies are on a DNLA server, so I have no chance to do the export. Or at least I did not find the exported NFO files.

The NFO must be on another directory since XBMC can not write to/read from the DNLA-server.

Is there a workaround? (Yes, I already looked the FAQ and manuals. Maybe I am to stupid to find it)

Thanx in advance
currently no. these features relies on file shares
you can use a 3rd party program and recreate those nfo files without xbmc. There are some, I only know ember media manager, it's alpha, but does work. (search the forum for it)

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How can I export/import NFO files when using a UPnP (DNLA) server?0