Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
First actor thumb from .nfo getting lost
I have roughly 600 movies with .nfo files and I store actor thumbs locally to speed things up, especially with my Apple TV.

The actor portion of .nfo files looks like this:

            <name>Mel Gibson</name>
            <role>Lt. Col. Hal Moore</role>
            <thumb>\\WORKGROUP\Actor Thumbs\nm0000154.jpg</thumb>
            <name>Madeleine Stowe</name>
            <role>Julie Moore</role>
            <thumb>\\WORKGROUP\Actor Thumbs\nm0000656.jpg</thumb>
            <name>Greg Kinnear</name>
            <role>Maj. Bruce &apos;Snake&apos; Crandall</role>
            <thumb>\\WORKGROUP\Actor Thumbs\nm0001427.jpg</thumb>

If I scan for content on my Apple TV and then export the library, the same movie ends up like this:

            <name>Mel Gibson</name>
            <role>Lt. Col. Hal Moore</role>
            <name>Madeleine Stowe</name>
            <role>Julie Moore</role>
            <thumb>\\WORKGROUP\Actor Thumbs\nm0000656.jpg</thumb>
            <name>Greg Kinnear</name>
            <role>Maj. Bruce &apos;Snake&apos; Crandall</role>
            <thumb>\\WORKGROUP\Actor Thumbs\nm0001427.jpg</thumb>

And if I scan for content on my windows XBMC and then export the library, the same movie ends up like this:

            <name>Mel Gibson</name>
            <role>Lt. Col. Hal Moore</role>
            <name>Madeleine Stowe</name>
            <role>Julie Moore</role>
            <thumb>\\WORKGROUP\Actor Thumbs\nm0000656.jpg</thumb>
            <name>Greg Kinnear</name>
            <role>Maj. Bruce &apos;Snake&apos; Crandall</role>
            <thumb>\\WORKGROUP\Actor Thumbs\nm0001427.jpg</thumb>

In all the movies, the first actor thumb somehow gets lost.

Any idea what is going on and how to behave?

Nobody has any ideas??
Since no one seems to have any ideas am I to understand that it is perfectly normal for it to act in a unpredictable haphazard way of reading .nfo files??
Probably noone else has noticed it is all.

Post a ticket on trac, including everything to reproduce (full steps, any nfo files needed etc.) and someone will take a look when they have a few spare minutes.

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First actor thumb from .nfo getting lost0