XLink KAI online gaming support in XBMC
hi, i've created an account at http://www.xboxlink.co.uk but don't know how to set this up correctly in xbmc. i'm not sure if this feature is officially supported yet but if someone could explain what is needed or just point me to some xml file i need to edit that would be most appreciated.

(asteron @ april 28 2004,17:28 Wrote:hi,  i've created an account at http://www.xboxlink.co.uk but don't know how to set this up correctly in xbmc.  i'm not sure if this feature is officially supported yet but if someone could explain what is needed or just point me to some xml file i need to edit that would be most appreciated.

did you create a kai user xtag or a normal xboxlink user xtag ?

go here to sign up for a beta kai user xtag:

then you edit your xboxmediacenter.xml with your xtag info.


after that all should be happy dodie Wink

forgot to say you need the kai program installed on your pc to. just run the kai launcher on the pc and click on "start kai engine" close the window and play with your xbox online.

you also have to have the game you want to play on a cd/dvd.. you can't launch games from the hd.. or am i wrong ?
  • ASRock ION 330 OpenELEC XBMC Frodo.
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  • 2x Raspbery Pi with XBMC
you can launch games from hd see the end of this threadkai not officially supported link

you must download the correct kai client kai006d which you can find here at the bottom of the webpage.  kai006c, which is found on the officail kaibeta forum on x-s will not work.

i hope your good at rb6  Smile i can't wait for full support b/c we need some peeps playing other games besides rb6....i suck at rb6 btw!....lol   any topspin players out there?
(djlink @ april 28 2004,18:26 Wrote:you can launch games from hd see the end of this threadkai not officially supported link

you must download the correct kai client kai006d which you can find here at the bottom of the webpage.  kai006c, which is found on the officail kaibeta forum on x-s will not work.

i hope your good at rb6  Smile i can't wait for full support b/c we need some peeps playing other games besides rb6....i suck at rb6 btw!....lol   any topspin players out there?
ahhh now i see.. the requester made me think it was impossible.. great feature... to bad all my friends use xbconnect
  • ASRock ION 330 OpenELEC XBMC Frodo.
  • 47" LG HDTV1080p, AC3/DTS Receiver.
  • 96" Epson LCD 1080p projector
  • 2x Raspbery Pi with XBMC
ohh didnt know about having to go through the pc. thanks for the info.
ok, it's like 3am and i need some sleep, so i'm probably going to make some gramatical errors, so just bear with me.

i can't find anything on the internet about how to use the xbmc game tunnel software...

please tell me.
more information on how to use xlinks online tunneling pc software together with xbmc can also be fould in xbox-scene.com's forum (link)
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is there any way to use this feature if i own a mac with os 9?

my machine will do os x, but that's neither here nor there.

is there any effort being made to try and run this tunneling software through mac classic?
(macman922 @ may 21 2004,22:23 Wrote:is there any way to use this feature if i own a mac with os 9? my machine will do os x, but that's neither here nor there.
is there any effort being made to try and run this tunneling software through mac classic?
you have to address all those question to team-xlink and not us as team-xbmc are not the ones writing the pc tunneling software.
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i have tried this link: http://www.xboxlink.co.uk/kaisignup.php but it does not work. i tried the xlink kai evolution.. but i cant get it
to work? anyone? does the evolution work with xbmc?
(_morph_ @ may 24 2004,14:18 Wrote:i have tried this link: http://www.xboxlink.co.uk/kaisignup.php but it does not work.
team-xlink have moved from www.xboxlink.co.uk(domain in your link) to www.teamxlink.co.uk, (guess because it supports ps2/gc too now).

(_morph_ @ may 24 2004,14:18 Wrote:i tried the xlink kai evolution.. but i cant get it to work? anyone? does the evolution work with xbmc?
no, xlink kai evolution vii is not yet supported by/in xbmc, it won't be added until after xbmc 1.0. only avalaunch support xlink kai vii so far.
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(_morph_ @ may 24 2004,14:18 Wrote:i tried the xlink kai evolution.. but i cant get it to work? anyone? does the evolution work with xbmc?
no, xlink kai evolution vii is not yet supported by/in xbmc, it won't be added until after xbmc 1.0. only avalaunch support xlink kai vii so far.

hmm. i cant find this kai client kai006d, anywhere? someone got a link?
(_morph_ @ may 27 2004,13:12 Wrote:hmm. i cant find this kai client kai006d, anywhere? someone got a link?
kai006 is not available anymore and even if you would fnd it it won't work anymore.

current version can be found on http://www.teamxlink.co.uk (but will not work with xbmc)
read the xbmc online-manual, faq and search the forums before posting! do not e-mail the xbmc-team asking for support!
read/follow the forum rules! note! team-xbmc never have and never will host or distribute ms-xdk binaries/executables!
(hullebulle @ may 29 2004,19:19 Wrote:kai006 is not available anymore and even if you would fnd it it won't work anymore.

current version can be found on http://www.teamxlink.co.uk (but will not work with xbmc)
it does work with evo vii. what you need to do to get it to work is to, after installing kai evo vii, on your pc kai directory open the file: "kaiuserconfig.txt" and change the line kaiaccept=any to kaiaccept=all. that should do it. (credit to chokey who told me about it)

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XLink KAI online gaming support in XBMC0