Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
need help with folders
hi, im new here and i went over few post's to understand some from XBMC, still I got this question:
when I add a source everything is fine i have several sources (networked to) my question is, when I choose 'watch my movies' I want to enter to a 'joined' libaray of all my sources how do I do that?
second question is:
when I enter one of the source I see the movies covers very nice (some of them also appear behind like wallpaper,why?) and when i click on folder it acting like browsing and show me the folder content, I want the ability when i click on movie folder/picture the movie will start playing, how?(im in libaray mode)
last question, if my movie name is like movie.720p.mkv IMDB will not update information about the movie?

Thanks !
You might have better luck using the default skin until you're comfortable with the application. The third party skins may be pretty, but most are far from intuitive.
Thanks, I will try it, so basically skins are the problems? which skin is good and looks good as well?
BTW, my video library is when each video within his folder + subs and picture, this is the idle way?
hi again, same with all skins...I just want to have this:
when i click on a picture of the movie/song i dont want to go into the folder i want the xbmc to play the movie/song, how can i do it?

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need help with folders0