Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
List view: picture instead of folder icon
I have chosen to view my Movie collection in the "List View" in the default pm3.hd skin. Then all movie files and folders w/ movies, pictures and subtitles in it are presented in a list with an icon or a screenshot on the right.

However, only if the selection bar is over a file then screenshot of the movie is displayed on the right. If I select a folder wit a movie in it then the standard 'folder icon' picture is displayed instead. I've let Xbmc look up Imdb movie info for the movie. And that works fine: Xbmc found a movie poster, movie info etc.. But I do not seem to be able to let Xbmc show the movie poster instead of the standard folder icon...

How can I accieve that? Oo
Sounds like you need to enter the Library mode to show the thumbs for the movies you scraped via the web. If you have a folder.jpg in each folder with a movie, then it will show that instead of the folder icon when you are in file mode.
Thank you very much for your clear answer. Smile Indeed, the folder.jpg trick is what I'll use as of now. I do not like the library mode too much. Will there be a hack/patch to let the sraped thumbs be saved as 'folder.jpg' in the folder of the scraped movie?
if you have a lot of movies you can try an external program that will manage the images for you.Try searching for "ember media manager" (it supports movies only at his time)

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List view: picture instead of folder icon0