Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Wheres the scrolling text?
Having just updated to a may build of xbmc, i noticed that on the home window, i'm no longer getting the text that scroll along the bottom of the screen, like a news reel thing...can someone advise how i can get it back, as i used to like reading the news streaming from it in the morning whilst listening to shoutcast!!
Thank you!Wink
here's the file you're looking for
the feed has changed location.
look here for the new address.
You can edit the userdata\rssfeeds.xml file with a text editor and fix the url.
When posting about a problem please submit a debug log to give you the best chance at getting an answer. It's easy, painless, and helps provide necessary information.
Thanks you nicoli !! Wink

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Wheres the scrolling text?0