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Can't find snowboarding movie info via IMDB
I've got a bunch of Snowboarding movies on my share, and IMDB cannot find the titles, they keep assigning the wrong movie info. Anyone know of a DB that might have non-mainstream movies?
Is it in IMDB to start with if yes then look at the address bar. That is where the IMDB ID is. Here is the movie Sunshine Cleaning:

If you're still have trouble in MIP, maybe Ember, there is a way to specifically point to the IBMD ID. Use the IMDB ID you get in the address bar of your browser.

If not in there at all just copy and paste a previous .nfo and change the info to what you want.
I've found a few of them on IMDB, but when I go into media info and name the video it just keeps popping up the name video box after I hit OK/enter.

Is there somewhere I can find an example .nfo?
All you need is a text document with the imdb URL and named the same as the movie file. ie coolmovie.avi gets coolmovie.nfo. See the wiki if you need more info.
althekiller Wrote:All you need is a text document with the imdb URL and named the same as the movie file. ie coolmovie.avi gets coolmovie.nfo. See the wiki if you need more info.
Thanks. I found it in a Google search for some other app, but it worked for this.

I tried loading XBMC Live since my old school PC is struggling on the full Ubuntu + XBMC installed on top, but it didn't go well. All I get is the command prompt, x-server doesn't work, it's a mess.
If the movies are not on imdb, you can always add them to and use that to scape the info.

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Can't find snowboarding movie info via IMDB0