Can I dowload files from INTERNET using XBMC 2.4 ?
hello guys!
i'm new on xbmc forum...
brazil greetings for you !

can you help me with somethings with xbmc 2.4 ?

i have just donwloaded the newest version of xbmc 2.4 on xbins and uploaded to my xbox...

i have some questions:

1. how to make no-playable videos work after donwload plugins from net ? do i just need to place de plugins on the plugins folder ?

2. what is the fillezilla ? is this programs used to download files from the intenet ? how to make it ? can i use only the xbox to do it ?

3. is there a server that people can share files via xbmc 2.4 ?

4. what are those html files on the web folder ? can i access the net by the xbmc 2.4 ? how ? is it possible with a 56 kbps connection ?

philipe Smile

note: i'm using windows xp professional...
welcome to xbmc forums...

(brazilian @ jan. 07 2004,06:47 Wrote:hello guys!
1. how to make no-playable videos work after donwload plugins from net ? do i just need to place de plugins on the plugins folder ?
don' think you can use plug ins here.
Quote:2. what is the fillezilla ? is this programs used to download files from the intenet ? how make it ? can i use only the xbox to do it ?
no, it's a built in ftp server so you can tranfer files to/from your xbox when running xbmc.
Quote:3. is there a server that people can share files via xbmc 2.4 ?
no, not now at least... Wink don't think there are any plans for that either.
Quote:4. what are those html files on the web folder ? can i access the net by the xbmc 2.4 ? how ? is it possible with a 56 kbps connection ?
a built in web server so that you can control xbmc via a web page interface on your pc. primarly on your local network. use http://yourxboxip/ depending on your network/router setup it is possible to access it over internet aswell.

anyone else who want to ad something?
ps! no such think as xbmc 2.4, you probebly got xbmp 2.4 (xboxmediaplayer), if so please go to instead
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sorry guys...

it is codecs that i wanted to say, not plugins...
is that possible ?
just place them on the codecs folder ?

heh... but i guess my answers still apply for both xbmc and xbmp Image

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Can I dowload files from INTERNET using XBMC 2.4 ?0