2009-07-15, 21:06
BroChaos Wrote:so after i run the git clone once, all i need to do when there are updates is run git pull? this will only pull the new files?
BroChaos Wrote:so after i run the git clone once, all i need to do when there are updates is run git pull? this will only pull the new files?
Bram77 Wrote:Why does it take forever before the 'Please wait...' dialog disappears in the home screen? It takes about 10 minutes! I'm running XBMC (the SVN revision of today) on the XBOX. Everything else is working perfectly! Thanks a lot!
Bram77 Wrote:Why does it take forever before the 'Please wait...' dialog disappears in the home screen? It takes about 10 minutes! I'm running XBMC (the SVN revision of today) on the XBOX. Everything else is working perfectly! Thanks a lot!
Bram77 Wrote:Why does it take forever before the 'Please wait...' dialog disappears in the home screen? It takes about 10 minutes! I'm running XBMC (the SVN revision of today) on the XBOX. Everything else is working perfectly! Thanks a lot!
Bram77 Wrote:Why does it take forever before the 'Please wait...' dialog disappears in the home screen? It takes about 10 minutes! I'm running XBMC (the SVN revision of today) on the XBOX. Everything else is working perfectly! Thanks a lot!
Aenima99x Wrote:UPDATES
- Media Flag icons for DVD, HDTV & MPEG2 have been added (Thanks SlaveUnit)
- All images have been removed from the media/subfolders and re-packed into the Textures.xpr in hopes it will help with some of the XBOX issues.
Aenima99x Wrote:I like that and agree about it being nice to have the weather on every screen. Thanks for the idea! I'll start working on it soon.
SlaveUnit Wrote:So with this...will it be on every page or off every page and that is the option? Just curious because I didnt like it on every page. I know, cant really please everyone.
Jezz_X Wrote:I'd bet good money its the recently added script scanning your database