Posts: 78
Joined: Aug 2007
Is there anyway to remove the way that fanart gradually fades to black at the bottom? I'd rather see the entire image rather than just the top 75% or so. I've been looking through the various xml files for something that might have to do with this, but haven't come across anything yet.
Posts: 78
Joined: Aug 2007
Anyone ever have any ideas on this issue? I've been searching but to no avail.
Posts: 1,736
Joined: Oct 2008
You using the regular mediastream skin? Maybe a screenshot would help?
Posts: 191
Joined: Jul 2008
It's probably a diffuse image over the fanart.
I've not looked around MediaStream before but if there's only a few image controls showing the fanart then you can just remove the diffuse attribute from the texture or imagepath tags.
<texture diffuse="some_image.png">$INFO[Fanart.Image]</texture>
If there's tonnes of image controls dealing with the fanart another method will be easier:
You can download MediaStream from SVN, remove the "some_image.png" file from the media folder and build a new textures.xpr without that image file.
Posts: 191
Joined: Jul 2008
There's probably a Build.bat within the svn.
I usually find I have to build the whole skin to make it work, then I just grab the textures.xpr within BUILD/MediaStream/media/