2009-08-22, 16:30
This is a brilliant plugin. Thanks so much.
asg0noir Wrote:the same thing happens when i try directly with the stream link though:
By stream link i mean adding the url to a .STRM file and playing it in XBMC.
Bootsy Wrote:@DarkHelmet:
gern geschehen
then it´s a xbmc problem and i cant help you
Bootsy Wrote:@m_jonsson
thanks for the hint, updated the plugin.
version 0.3 is available via svn repo installer...or check svn.
could some ubuntu/linux user test it and confirm it´s working now?
ASX format
Sometimes if a stream has a .asx extension it will work fine on your Windows computer but XBMC will not play it. In these cases it could be that that .asx is not actualy a stream but instead just a playlist that redirects to a other stream (ie. the real stream). To play this stream you must download the .asx file to your computer and open it in a text-editor to find the true direct link, then add that link to a .STRM file which then can be played by XBMC.
19:50:06 T:2904001424 M:105426944 NOTICE: [ListenLiveEU]: Mode: 2
19:50:06 T:2904001424 M:105426944 NOTICE: [ListenLiveEU]: URL: http://www.101.ru/asx.asx?uid=21337&bit=de32
19:50:06 T:2904001424 M:105426944 NOTICE: [ListenLiveEU]: Name: 101.ru 90s Dance | Internet only | Best of 90's dance
| 48 Kbps
19:50:06 T:2904001424 M:105426944 NOTICE: [ListenLiveEU]: > playStream() http://www.101.ru/asx.asx?uid=21337&bit=de32
19:50:06 T:2889874320 M:105361408 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
19:50:06 T:3039995792 M:105361408 INFO: easy_aquire - Created session to http://www.101.ru
19:50:06 T:3039995792 M:105336832 WARNING: Unable to determine Linux distribution
19:50:07 T:3039995792 M:105361408 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0xaf3b39d8) http://www.101.ru/asx.asx?uid=21337&bit=de32
19:50:07 T:3039995792 M:105336832 WARNING: Unable to determine Linux distribution
19:50:07 T:3039995792 M:105488384 NOTICE: Parsing ASX
19:50:07 T:3039995792 M:105488384 DEBUG: FileCurl::Close(0xaf3b39d8) http://www.101.ru/asx.asx?uid=21337&bit=de32
19:50:07 T:3039995792 M:105488384 DEBUG: CApplication::ProcessAndStartPlaylist(http://www.101.ru/asx.asx?uid=21337&bi
t=de32, 1)
19:50:07 T:2904001424 M:105488384 NOTICE: [ListenLiveEU]: < playStream() isPlaying=0
19:50:07 T:2904001424 M:105488384 ERROR: EndOfDirectory - called with an invalid handle.
Quote:Notably, .asx, ogg and real-audio streams play fine.
This is in Linux (ubuntu 9.04, 32 bits), and VLC on this same machine can play all of the above perfectly.
IMO nothing we (XBMC) can do about this. Please contact the plugin author
and let him know about your problems. Closing here for the moment.