Posts: 1
Joined: Oct 2009
I just started to use a remote via the iMON software and I was wondering if there is a way to disable the remote acting like a mouse while inside XBMC and it just act has the 4-way directional pointers, like up, down, left, and right. Thanks a lot for the info!
Posts: 52
Joined: Feb 2009
I didn´t find this post until today. I´m happy to know that my .xml and .imo files works fine for all of you.
Posts: 245
Joined: Jun 2009
sorry, I havent been back to read your replies. To get the remote to work like a keyboard rather then like a mouse, click the button on the remote that says "mouse/keyboard" its near the top.
soundgraph changed their site around and now I cant find the imo. If someone has a place that they recommend I can drop the file there and people from now until dooms day can pick it up.
Posts: 74
Joined: Mar 2007
im using imon 2,4g with latest imon hd software.
XBMC is svn 24064, the remote seems to work fine with xbmc without any keymapping etc
Added xbmc to quicklaunch and works fine.
Are there any benefits using the keymaps?
Also just installed imap with remote, some mention it can control the mouse cursor, how?
Posts: 245
Joined: Jun 2009
you can control the mouse with the remote by pressing the mouse button just above the "up" directional pad. Imon just came out with a new update so maybe its set to work with xbmc but I doubt it. The plus side to keymapping is that you can set EVERY button to work rather then just the few default ones that do.
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did you follow my tutorial?
My Movies takes me to My Movie Library (<y>xbmc.activatewindow(videolibrary,movietitles) </y>)
My Music takes me to my Album Library(<a>xbmc.activatewindow(videolibrary,tvshow titles)</a>)
Posts: 74
Joined: Mar 2007
made some progress.
Got the imo and keymap files mentioned by dracule. Think i forgot to reset each command.
Now the my video and music goes to the library. Also the buttons for caption\subtitle and audio setting works.
Keymap had these lines
Posts: 245
Joined: Jun 2009
so your all set? If you can get a button working try to reset the command in the iMon program first. If that doesnt work, check to make sure your key in the keyboard keymap isnt being used be another function. Also check to make sure the key is the same key you are using in iMon.
"<y>xbmc.activatewindow(videolibrary,movietitles) </y>" in the keymap wont work if you have the keyboard key set to something else like "t" in iMon
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I would still LOVE if someone could give me the code to open up me music library > albums. I can only figure out how to open up the music section. maybe there is no code for that?