2009-11-13, 17:46
lee551 Wrote:i'd also like to know which config has the best boot times and best performance between the three. has anyone tried all 3 methods?
i'd really like to dual-boot xbmc live and win7, but i don't think its possible to install both on the harddrive... yet.
I have tried all three method and the HD is fastest by FAR.
The boot performance of the SD will depend on the speed of the SD card in use, but it's still lags behind the HD.
I don't see any reason why you can't dual boot Win7 and XBMC. Just google instruction on how to dual boot linux and Win 7 and adapt any of those guides for your own purpose. You won't be able to use XBMC Live per se because XBMC Live will take over an entire HD by design. But you should be able to manually install mini Ubuntu and cofigure XBMC following a few of the guides already posted on this forum.