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[RELEASE] CU Lyrics (Script) Addon
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development of cu lyrics has stopped.

as of xbmc frodo, please use cu lrc lyrics:

CU Lyrics Addon script

This is based on XBMC Lyrics script, I have started implementing new script settings and added a new Lyrics scraper.I dont have a lot of time to work on it and test ATM, any feedback is welcomed.

use XBMC.org Add-ons repo to install it and activate it by going to System->Skin->Addon Scripts->Enable Lyrics in Music OSD


Following your instructions:

11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:   File "/home/xbmc/scripts/CU Lyrics/default.py", line 21, in ?
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: __settings__ = xbmc.Settings( path=os.getcwd() )
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: AttributeError
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: :
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: 'module' object has no attribute 'Settings'
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488   ERROR: Scriptresult: Error

Connor32 Wrote:Hi!

Following your instructions:

11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:   File "/home/xbmc/scripts/CU Lyrics/default.py", line 21, in ?
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: __settings__ = xbmc.Settings( path=os.getcwd() )
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: AttributeError
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: :
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE: 'module' object has no attribute 'Settings'
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488  NOTICE:
11:38:50 T:2645543792 M:1713983488   ERROR: Scriptresult: Error


XBMC version is too old, try beta1.

Hi Amet.

Finally a new lyrics script in the works. unfortunatley i dont get any results. it just pop up saying that no lyrics were found. iv tested it with a few well known pop songs like: Michael Jackson - Bad, Simply Red - Something Got Me Started, etc. It appears to run and display correctly, just not detecting any lyrics.

XBMC r25010 Xbox

I wish you the best of look with this script. I used XBMCLyrics all the time and was devistated when it broke and got dropped. Its the little scripts like this that are the icing on the cake when it comes to XBMC.

I shall be following this thread with great anticipation. Nod
rudeboyx Wrote:Hi Amet.

Finally a new lyrics script in the works. unfortunatley i dont get any results. it just pop up saying that no lyrics were found. iv tested it with a few well known pop songs like: Michael Jackson - Bad, Simply Red - Something Got Me Started, etc. It appears to run and display correctly, just not detecting any lyrics.

XBMC r25010 Xbox

I wish you the best of look with this script. I used XBMCLyrics all the time and was devistated when it broke and got dropped. Its the little scripts like this that are the icing on the cake when it comes to XBMC.

I shall be following this thread with great anticipation. Nod

Maybe post the debug log, I might be able to fish something out of it.

when you play the song does it display the name of the song and the artist in OSD?

Thanks for letting me know about the issues you are having

Amet Wrote:Maybe post the debug log, I might be able to fish something out of it.

when you play the song does it display the name of the song and the artist in OSD?

Thanks for letting me know about the issues you are having


same here.
woodyearl Wrote:same here.

same answer for you then Smile
Amet Wrote:same answer for you then Smile

woodyearl Wrote:http://pastebin.com/m43d39ee6


I see nothing wrong with the script.Your artist is Ac/Dc and the song is Hard as a rock, correct?

scraper doesnt find anything on lyricwiki


however, it is case sensitive and artist should be AC/DC, in that case http://lyricwiki.org/index.php?title=AC/...ction=edit would return results
Amet Wrote:Thanks!

I see nothing wrong with the script.Your artist is Ac/Dc and the song is Hard as a rock, correct?

scraper doesnt find anything on lyricwiki


however, it is case sensitive and artist should be AC/DC, in that case http://lyricwiki.org/index.php?title=AC/...ction=edit would return results

Figures I do something wrong.
woodyearl Wrote:Figures I do something wrong.

Actually, as I take a closer look, they are listed as Capital. AC/DC.
woodyearl Wrote:Actually, as I take a closer look, they are listed as Capital. AC/DC.

the script doesnt see it as capitals, strange

can you upload that file somewhere for me to download?

EDIT: now that I looked closer, the script does see it as capitals but that changes somewhere along the line. I would appreciate the file so that I can test.
amet, the changing of case is because lyricwiki most time requires it be camel case.

thats why there is an excepetion option, so when it finds AC/DC it won't change it.

this was in the original scraper, looks like it's still there in yours
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
just noticed using the old drive letters P:\\, so change those to special://
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
Amet Wrote:the script doesnt see it as capitals, strange

can you upload that file somewhere for me to download?

EDIT: now that I looked closer, the script does see it as capitals but that changes somewhere along the line. I would appreciate the file so that I can test.

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[RELEASE] CU Lyrics (Script) Addon1